Adding arguments to existing R functions, or A Weirdly Esoteric Thing I'll Probably Never Do Again

Typically when writing an R function you include any arguments to the function, and default values if applicable, in the definition like so:

add <- function(x = 4, y = 1) {
  x + y

## [1] 5
add(6, 2)
## [1] 8

Until recently I had never considered how one might add arguments to a function after it’s defined. Given a function like the one below, how would we add the arguments x and y?

add <- function() {
  x + y

add(6, 2)
## Error in add(6, 2): unused arguments (6, 2)

You can reassign the formal arguments of a function using formals(), though as the documentation notes “this is advanced, dangerous coding”. I will take this moment to note that re-defining functions in this way is probably not something you generally should need to do very often. But for various reasons that are outside the scope of this post, I did. Here’s an example: we create a list of argument names and default values, and assign it to formals(add).

add <- function() {
  x + y

args <- list(x = 4, y = 1)
formals(add) <- args

# View the result
## function (x = 4, y = 1) 
## {
##     x + y
## }
## <environment: 0x7fcce5b22988>
## [1] 5

alist() is a special function for creating lists of function arguments. Unlike list() it allows empty arguments.

alist(x = , y = 1)
## $x
## $y
## [1] 1
list(x = , y = 1)
## Error in list(x = , y = 1): argument 1 is empty

alist() is useful for creating function arguments with no defaults.

formals(add) <- alist(x = , y = 1)
## function (x, y = 1) 
## {
##     x + y
## }
## <environment: 0x7fcce5b22988>

Again, this is a pretty peculiar way to define a function. My situation was a bit more complicated though: I needed to be able to generate the list of arguments given their names, and do this for many functions. Constructing the arguments by hand with alist() was out, so how do we construct a list of arguments given a list of their names? Of course we need some information about whether the arguments should have default values or not. If the arguments all have defaults, and we know what they are, then we can create a list of the defaults, assign the argument names as the names of the list elements, and assign that list to formals(add). But what if we don’t want the arguments to have default values?

To understand how to do this requires a brief detour into symbols. Symbols in R (also called names) represent the name of an object. I’m not going to go into too much detail on symbols, but you should check out the chapter on Expressions in Hadley Wickham’s Advanced R book if you want to learn more about them. The important thing for this post is that there is a special symbol, the empty symbol, that is a sort of weird void of nothing* that represents missing arguments.

You can create an empty symbol in base R with the very weird looking expression quote(expr = ), or using the rlang package with missing_arg().

# Note the nothingness that's printed -- if you run this in an R console you'll
# see a blank line
quote(expr = )

Empty symbols cannot be assigned to variables! 😱

x <- rlang::missing_arg()
## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): argument "x" is missing, with no default

However, you can store an empty symbol inside another data structure, like a list.

x <- list(rlang::missing_arg())
## [[1]]

Back to the problem at hand: we need to create a list of arguments based on their names, and store an empty symbol as the values. First we’ll create an empty list of NULLs, then we’ll use purrr::map() to assign an empty symbol to each element of the list.

# We have the funcion sans defaults + the argument names
# separately
add <- function() {
  x + y

arg_names <- list("x", "y")

# Create a list to hold our arguments
args <- vector("list", length(arg_names))
names(args) <- arg_names
## $x
## $y
# Replace NULLs with empty symbols
(args <- purrr::map(args, function(x) rlang::missing_arg()))
## $x
## $y

Then we can assign this list to the formal arguments of the function and view the function definition.

formals(add) <- args
## function (x, y) 
## {
##     x + y
## }
## <environment: 0x7fcce5b22988>

Now, what if our list needs to contain a mix of arguments with defaults and arguments without? This is a bit more tricky. Let’s say for this example we have argument names and default values stored separately. There may be more names than defaults, in which case we want to match the defaults to the names from the last argument backward, with any other remaining names having no default.

I’ll add a third argument, z to our add() function. z has a default value of 1, and the other arguments have no defaults. First we create a list based on the names of the arguments.

add <- function() {
  x + y + z

# Argument names and defaults
arg_names <- list("x", "y", "z")
defaults <- list(1)

# Create a list to hold our arguments #
args <- vector("list", length(arg_names))
names(args) <- arg_names
## $x
## $y
## $z

Then add the defaults to the last elements of the list. This is a bit more code than is strictly needed, but it will come in handy later:

n_args <- length(args)
n_defs <- length(defaults)

# Position of the last default-less argument
last_empty <- n_args - n_defs

# Add the defaults to the end
args[(last_empty + 1):n_args] <- defaults
## $x
## $y
## $z
## [1] 1

To assign some other value to the first two elements of the list, I would normally do something like x[1:2] <- "some_value", but this does not work with empty symbols:

# Try to add empty symbols up to the last_empty index
# of the list
args[seq_len(last_empty)] <- rlang::missing_arg()
## Warning in args[seq_len(last_empty)] <- rlang::missing_arg(): (symbol)
## object cannot be coerced to type 'list'
args # uh oh
## $z
## [1] 1

The final solution ended up being rather more complicated than I’d hoped, and involved a for loop where I didn’t expect to need one. Here it is wrapped in its own function:

create_args <- function(arg_names, defaults) {
  # Start a list based on the argument names
  args <- vector("list", length(arg_names))
  names(args) <- arg_names

  if (length(defaults) == 0) {
    args <- purrr::map(args, function(x) rlang::missing_arg())
  } else {
    n_args <- length(arg_names)
    n_defs <- length(defaults)
    last_empty <- n_args - n_defs

    # Add the defaults to the end
    args[(last_empty + 1):n_args] <- defaults

    # Replace NULL with empty symbol for first arg(s) 
    # with no defaults
    for (i in seq_len(last_empty)) {
      args[[i]] <- rlang::missing_arg()

Now we can use create_args() to generate arguments and assign them to formals(add).

# Use the function
formals(add) <- create_args(arg_names, defaults)
## function (x, y, z = 1) 
## {
##     x + y + z
## }
## <environment: 0x7fcce5b22988>

So yeah…this was not exactly pretty, and again you probably don’t want to do it in 99% of scenarios, but it does seem to work. If anyone has ideas about how to make it cleaner, I’d love to hear!

* Without the expanding-to-destroy-all-everything-in-its-path part.